Database locks, lost updates and idempotency

Web applications are often complex systems consisting of several parts such as UI (frontend), API (backend), database and often other 3rd party services that the application depends on. Designing the API service properly so it’s robust, secure, and works as expected goes without saying but sometimes there are other factors that should be considered and handled adequately....

Assuming IAM role and role chaining in AWS

Sometimes a user or an application needs to access resources they don’t normally have access to. This is where the AWS Security Token Service (STS) comes in handy. STS is an AWS service used to obtain temporary security credentials for IAM users or roles by using the AssumeRole action....

Running HTTPS on localhost

The majority of websites nowadays are already using HTTPS. Security is very important in today’s world of the internet where you can buy stuff online, check your bank account, communicate with people, or just enjoy watching a movie....

Keeping track of database changes and when it can be useful

My task was simple - we had a Postgres database and a data science team that needed to consume changes from the database to update their internal datasets. But how on earth would I do that?...

Why use multiple unsubscribe groups when sending emails

We all know how annoying all those emails that we receive from various websites might be, especially when we don’t expect them. So naturally, there should be an option to unsubscribe. However there are some things that you have to be careful about.

Travelling around Argentina

At the beginning of the year, my girlfriend and I spent four weeks on the roads of this beautiful country. This was our first time in South America and we were really amazed and got lots of experiences and memories, so I thought I would write down some notes of our adventure and maybe share some tips and tricks....

Feature Flags

What are feature flags? In two words - “if statements”. No, but seriously feature flags are a very simple, yet very powerful tool that can find its place in many projects....

Showing the active Firebase project in the command line

If you are working on a project where Firebase is used, most likely you have a separate project created for each environment (dev, staging, prod, sometimes maybe even more). During the development, it often happens that you need to configure something using Firebase CLI....

How We Migrated All User Files to AWS S3

Migrating data is often a challenging job, especially when every little mistake can instantly impact a user’s experience. Thus, it is necessary to research the task properly, pinpoint possible issues, and make sure the description is totally clear and everyone knows what is the expected result....

Sharing gRPC protobufs between microservices

If you work with gRPC you need to find a way of sharing proto files across individual microservices. I just got into this “gRPC-and-microservices” thing recently and had to research and learn everything so now I want to share how I tackled it....